Online Tapping Research


This webpage is to demonstrate the potential for using Asym as part of research projects on rhythmic perception and performance. Asym is a metronome especially designed for capturing and sonifying unequal (non-isochronous) rhythmic patterns. In an online research experiment, participants can be prompted to tap along with an audio file or perform a notated rhythmic pattern. The exact timing of the Participant's tapping is saved as an encrypted string (to prevent them from trying to produce a specific numerical result) along with a date and any other identifying information. The resulting string is submitted in a separate form (which could contain other survey questions) and collected in a spreadsheet. The Researcher can decrypt the strings to determine the tempo and timing of each participant's submission and analyze the collective results. See the following links for examples:
3-beat Audio  
4-beat Audio  
Notated Rhythm


If you are interested in integrating this tool with your research project, please contact me: code{at}wmich[dot]edu.

