Online Tapping Study Demo 2

Please play the following audio file to hear the approximate target rate for quarter notes.


Tap the notated rhythm using one of these entry methods:
(whichever works best in your browser)

     Type Tap        

Tap Tile: click on the button (starts recording immediately).
Type Tap: click inside box and tap using spacebar or period key.
Mute Clicks
Repeat until at least Round-4 (& you see both blue and red boxes).
If you need to restart, click the Type Tap box again to reset.

When you are satisfied, click

Copy and paste the above contents into the Rhythm Study 2 online form.


This webpage is a demonstration of using Asym as part of an online research study. Asym is metronome especially designed for capturing and sonifying unequal (non-isochronous) rhythmic patterns. In this hypothetical demonstration, the Participant's tapping result is saved as a string (along with a pretend ID number and date) which would then be submitted in a separate form (presumably with other survey questions). From the string, the Researcher can reproduce the exact tempo and timing of the participant's submission. For this demo, a link to the saved submission appears below. This program is still in development. Obviously, this is just one simple example of how Asym could be customized for a specific task. If you have any helpful feedback or are interested in integrating this tool with your research project, free to contact me: code{at}wmich[dot]edu.