Online Tapping Study

Tap along where you feel beats 1, 2, and 3 while listening to the music.
Listen to the three measures marking "One" before tapping.


Tap the beats using one of these entry methods:
(whichever works best on your device)

                            Type Tap        

Tap Tile: click on the button (starts recording immediately).
Type Tap: click inside box and tap using spacebar or period key.
Mute Clicks
Tap at least 3 full measures (to next bt.1) for green [Save] button.
To RESET and start over, click the Type Tap box again.

When you are satisfied, click

Copy and paste the above contents into the Tap3b Study online form.

This webpage is a demonstration of using Asym as part of an online research study. Asym is a metronome especially designed for capturing and sonifying unequal (non-isochronous) rhythmic patterns. If you are interested in integrating this tool with your research project, please contact: maitreGnome{at}asym-co[dot]de.